Pwnage Tool wird nächste Woche released

Nächste Woche wird es dann soweit sein, und das Dev-Team released das lang ersehente Pwnage Tool auf dem Mac.

Es wird jedoch noch kein Unlock auf den neuen Geräten funktionieren, so dass dort noch abgewartet werden muss, bis das Dev-Team eine Lösung gefunden hat. Ich selber hoffe, dass es bald soweit sein wird und ich mein Gerät vernünftig nutzen kann.

Des Weiteren ist auf der Seite eine neue Nachricht eingeganen bei der ich Euch die wichtigen Stellen dick gemacht habe,

18th of July 2008. We have been in contact with the member of the dev-team. Dev-team is the most famous team out there working on iPhone. The news is half good and half bad. The good news first. The good news is that dev-team will release a new version of their infamous PwnageTool. The new version number is 2.0 and the release will happen in the beginning of next week. The good part continues: the tools will do all the magic for 1st generation iPhones upgraded to 2.0 firmware. It will jailbreak, activate, enable 3rd party apps with Installer, enable Apple AppStore and also it will unlock the iPhone. That IS really good news!

That is all what 1st generation iPhone owners could wish for. Now the sad part. The magic does not fully expand to the new hardware – iPhone 3G. The news is not completely bad. The new tool will do some magic for iPhone 3G as well. It will jailbreak, activate, enable 3rd party apps with Installer and enable Apple AppStore. Thats it. As you no doubt have noticed the magic will not cover the Holy Grail of iPhone hacking – the unlock for iPhone 3G.

According to our source (member of the dev-team) they have faced some difficulties patching the new baseband of iPhone 3G. Baseband patch of the modem is necessary to be able to use any SIM cards with the phone. But, our source was confident that they will be able to SIM unlock the new iPhone 3G sooner or later. Well, after all, the new hardware has been available only for a week. With the first generation iPhones it took three month before the first true software unlock was released by Today the community has so much more information available about both iPhones. Therefore we all hope that this time it will be a lot faster.

Kurz und schmerzlos heisst es nur, dass es dem Dev-Team noch nicht gelungen ist, dass iPhone 3G zu unlocken.
Denoch arbeitet man noch daran und geht davon aus, dass es früher oder später möglich sein wird.
Nur wann ist die Frage.