Zibri meldet sich zu Wort ?

Da ich kein Englisch Professor bin, denke ich mal, dass Zibri nun in seinem Blog die Antwort auf den Artikel von George gegeben hat.

Zibri schreibt folgendes bei sich im Blog:

Talks, lies, haters, fans.
I’m sick of this!
This is not a war and not even a game.
I originally developed ZiPhone for my own use.
Then people asked me to release it and I did.
I bought my first iPhone in Semptember 2007.
I released ZiPhone in February 2008.
I know you people are crazy about the iPhone
but believe me, I am not.
I think the 3g iPhone is not worth even buying
for people who already have the
first generation iPhone.
GPS ? I have a TomTom Go device.
3G data ? I have a 7.2 Mb/s card
in my laptop.
Apps ?
I have my iPhone.
Everything else ?
I have my life !

IF and WHEN there will be a new
ZiPhone you will be informed.
Stop asking, hating, begging.
By the way,
maybe you don’t know the difference,
but ZiPhone was a real hack.
Software upgrades or custom firmwares
are a totally different thing.
A nice proof of concept, a nice work, but
that’s not hacking..
But if that will ever be released
and that suits your needs,
use it. You’ll be (hopefully) happy.

Another note:
I’m being reported of many people
faking me on many blogs and sites.
Check the profile (if there’s one).
And don’t take as gold any word from me that
you don’t read here !

To any hacker out there:
FACTS speaks louder than words.

Peace out,

Er vergleich ein wenig das neue und alte iPhone in den Erneuerungen.
In meinen Augen macht es den Eindruck, dass er es mit ziPhone für das iPhone 3G sein lässt.